Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring is a comin' ...

Our winter started out so snowy and cold, but it's been mild ever since, it seems.  Now, we've had several days where it feels like spring.  Yesterday, it was in the 70's and you could just tell that the seasons were changing.  I'm used to it snowing in March and April (and occasionally May), but knowing that it might be warm in between is refreshing.

We've been cooped up for a while now ... the younger boys have had the whooping cough.  It's on its way out, I believe. When stuck in my room, I've been playing dress-up with my new little dolly. :-)  What fun!

On these warm days of late, we spend most of our time outside, air out the house, and breathe deeply of the goodness of the Lord.

A few fun shots from yesterday:
Dwight and boys have been working on cleaning up the bike track.  This is only half of it.  All the weeds were raked up and burned and the track smoothed.  Now, they take turns riding over the burms and whoopties.  I guess they got tired of taking turns, because now 2 of them go at the same time - 1 each direction.  Burnell is coming up on the burm while Orin is coming the other direction over a jump.  Great exercise and skill training.  They are loving it!

Our little China man.  He found an old piece to a heat lamp and made a hat out of it.  He knew he was cute.

Splitting a bit of wood down at the wood pile. Can't believe this boy is growing up so fast.  So capable.

Mama and Vienna joining the crew at the wood pile.  Soooo good to be outside.  Drinking up the sun.

On our rounds of the property, Dwight showed me what the boys had been working on earlier in the year.  Felling trees!  Yes, and the one they fell, they hacked off all the branches, too.  Good work, men!

 Shirts off ... feeling so good!

Building a table out of junk wood.  Found some nails ... made it happen.  Way to go, guys!

Look what's new on the farm!  Baby chicks.  Seems we have Plymouth Barred Rocks, Lacey Wyndotes, Rhode Island Reds, and Buff Orpingtons.  My favorites are the Buffs.  They are the softest, plumpest, and great setters.

Checking in on the goats, too.  The little ones are growing and eating hay.  Cute!!!!!!  Everyone looks so perky and spunky in the spring sunshine.  Can't wait for the grass to grow and everything to green up.

Stay tuned for more adventures ...


  1. I loved this blog, Marilee! Your dolly and men are all adorable. I loved seeing the goats, also. They are sure beautiful. I am used to seeing some pretty scrawny animals down here! Your look very healthy!

  2. Beautiful pictures Marilee! Life outside is awesome. We miss seeing you guys! Your little girl is such a sweetie
