It's a GIRL!!!
We are delighted to announce the arrival of our sweet baby girl:
Vienna Rose Cheree Johnson
Born January 26, 2013 at 4:04am
Weighing 8lbs 7oz
Measuring 20 1/2 inches long
Vienna means "gracious and blessed"
Rose means "rose, God's gracious gift"
Cheree means "sweetheart, valuable, darling"
Beautiful little treasure. Her baby photos look so much like her older brothers, but she's all feminine and delicate. However, she is our heaviest baby! She beat the biggest boys out by 2 ounces. Ha! Looks like she's got a competitive nature already. :-)
We are so thankful to the Lord for his marvelous work. Labor and delivery were quite easy and short. And, the Lord helped deliver her fully in her sack. So amazing!
Daddy is in love with his little girl and I am sure she adores him already. She quiets down her little cries, opens her eyes, and appears to listen intently when she hears his voice.
Meeting her older brothers was so special! When the boys woke up, Grandma Gail got them all ready and brought them down to our room together. Burnell has been checking for baby each morning for weeks to see if baby had arrived in the night. Finally, this time, a little bundle was on the bed. "Is it a boy or a girl?" is the first question. Everyone is ecstatic to have a little sister.
Burnell can't stop kissing her and asking to hold her. He's a champion big brother and adores his little sister! He's also been a great help in burping her whenever needed. Orin is constantly near and gentle with her as well. His special thing is to brush her soft hair and keep her well groomed. Chance is the photographer. There are now more pictures of her than all the boys put together! Whether it be the small point & shoot or Daddy's iphone, he's busy snapping away. :-) Ty is Mama's helper ... always getting me something I need, or taking something to the kitchen, etc. He likes to "look" at her. Quint and Wyatt are just as enamored. They come and check on their baby, touch her soft head, tell her she's beautiful, and ask to hold her. Wyatt heard her making little grunting noises and just laughed and laughed. I think they're enjoying their little sister already.
Vienna is quite nocturnal at present. She slept most of the first day and second day and has been up most of the nights with tummy gurgles. Mama is hoping to get more sleep soon. :-) Very thankful for Daddy who has the unique ability to get her to burp in the middle of the night. After Daddy burps her, she finally rests and goes to sleep. Yeah!
She's quite alert when she's not sleeping. Her eyes open wide and she looks at all the faces peering at her with interest. She seems so content and relaxed. Sweet baby. Couldn't be more blessed!
We had quite the time naming her. :-) Not until just now, did we officially decide that Vienna should be her name. Thank you all for your suggestions and help. I love hearing all the ideas - however bizarre some of them are. :-) I have many favorites, so narrowing it down was hard. But, Dwight couldn't settle on any that I liked, so we went back and forth. Finally, she is named. Sorry to keep you all in suspense.
Thankful, thankful, thankful!!
Much love,
Marilee, for the family